East Inlet is a radiant gem set in Pittsburg’s string of gorgeous gems
If you are seeking quiet serenity, a peaceful place to paddle in shallow water or a remote spot to fish for trout, head north to East Inlet. Paddle along the edges of the 92-acre bog pond. You might spot moose munching aquatic vegetation, great blue herons stalking prey or kingfishers darting and diving. The pond is part of a 427-acre preserve managed by the Nature Conservancy. Rare native plant species grow amid a rare virgin forest.
“The preserve’s crown jewel is its lowland virgin spruce-fir forest,” writes the Nature Conservancy. “Not only is it the only remaining forest of its kind in New Hampshire, it is also one of the last few remaining virgin stands in the East.”
According to the Nature Conservancy, kayakers may be interested in exploring Norton Pool, a deep, cold-water pond northeast of East Inlet. The 1.2-mile paddle takes you along a narrow feeder stream overgrown with brush on either side. It’s a twisty route that will have you second-guessing yourself. Keep going if you can, paddling north from the northern tip of East Inlet. Stay on the feeder stream till you get to Norton Pool Preserve.
Sunrises and sunsets are among the best times to encounter moose and capture some of your most memorable photographs. As the sun rises and sets, the light, the fog and cloud formations change continually, making for thrilling photography.
Call Lopstick today to reserve your cabin accommodation’s or activity rental equipment and gear to jump start your adventure! Call 800.538.6659 or 603.538.6659